Friday, January 26, 2007

Para by Wolfmann+

I waited for this album the moment I heard that they will be releasing their album this month. :D Finally I got a copy from a friend. Wolfmann+ is composed of Ebe Dancel (sugarfree) Buddy Zabala (Cambio, The Dawn, Former E-heads), and Kathy Meneses (Daydream Cycle) among others and ofcourse Wilfman "Wolf" Hernandez. Unfortunately Wolf wasn't able to hear the album. He passed away on August of 2005. Wolf was considered a pioneer in his field merging rock and electronica genre. That's why I eagerly waited for the release and now it's finally here. :)

My favorite track of the album was the song.. Para, I have been playing this song ever since I first heard it.. (basically the whole fuckin' day) It's actually the stand out track of the whole album. It's radio-friendly.

Listening carefully to the lyrics, a good friend of mine actually pointed out that it was a bit creepy cuz it actually kinda foreshadowed that Wolf knew that he was going to go.. soon.. When I took another listen.. Yeah the lyrics was heading that way.. He mentions something about going on a journey and not stopping no matter what the devil tells him, he's going to go on.. to heaven. That's the beauty of music, it's open to a lot of interpretation. One it might be about Love, the next it could be about forecasting your own death.

No matter, what the meaning is, I choose to think of it as Wolf's last goodbye. A good song will never die :)

Listen to when: You don't know who wolfmann is :) and wanna see what kind of a person he is :)

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